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- Güerra - [2023] Quanta Fame Hai?
- Casus Belli - [2024] Demo
- Tenia - [2024] Anime Sconvolte
- Sbrokko Atipico - [2024] Nessuna Terra Su Cui Issare Bandiere
- EroInHead - [2023] Sorrisi Cuciti
- NN - [2023] Peccato
- Gasament - [2023] Post Basement Disorder
- Soviet Order Zero - [2023] I I I
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- De Vanveras - [2022] Acufelio, Sudore E Piede In Carpione
- Neid - [2024] Still Offensive
- Final Struggle - [2023] Join The Riot
- B.A.M - Non Dimenticherò
- Abandoncy & Norse - [2023] Split
- Malgrado - [2022] Malgrado
- Intervista A La Morta Gora
- Heavy Merda - [2022] Padre Pio Amico Degli Sbirri
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- Don't Forget Your Roots! Vol.5 (17.09.2022)
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- WildSheep - [2022] Milza
- Collezione Di Attimi. Negazione 1983-1992
- Pornscars - [2017] Memento Mori
- Straight Opposition - [2022] Path Of Separation
- Six Eyed Tiger - [2022] On The Fallacy Of The Repetition Of Parts
- Cattivo Sangue - [2021] Sulle Barricate
- Krav Boca - Pirate Party [2022]
- il Body - [2022] Arcobaleni
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- Sottopressione: La Storia Fino A Qui
- Ultima Ratio - [2022] La Normalita' Era Il Problema
- Strebla - [2021] Cemento
- Deriva - [2020] Catrame Acido
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- DiscoMostro - [2021] Tutto Panx
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- 66cl - [2021] Discount
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- Heavy Merda - [2021] Demo
- Kokadame - [2021] Sara' L'Aria Della Val Tidone?
- Ludd - [2021] Un Silenzio Vivente
- Eraser - [2020] Mutual Overkill Deterrence
- Taste The Floor - [2018] Scam
- Krangs - [2020] It Just Gets Faster
- Total Recall - [2021] Always Together
- MilkSnake - [2020] Real Eye Of God
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- Riot Squad - [2021] No More Fun
- Horror Vacui - [2020] Living For Nothing
- Pressa - [2021] Nero Fumo
- Contrasto - [2021] Visto Per Censura
- Kalashnikov - [2017] Romantic Punk
- Malerba - [2020] II
- SudDisorder - [2021] Senza Amor Non Vale Nulla
- Kontatto - [2017] Fino Alla Fine
- il Body - [2020] Fast
- Smegma Riot - [2017] Lock'n'Loll
- Krav Boca - [2021] Barrikade
- Beyler Bey - [2020] Vol.1: Beglerbeg
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- xDELOREANx & xDUHx - [2019] Split
- Zeman - [2019] Sunday Boys
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- Egestas - [2019] Oltre Le Rovine
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- xDEFINITEx - [2018] Your Hell
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